Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Biology Major

BA Applied Human Biology

A bachelor of science degree in Applied Human Biology from SPU is the ideal foundation if you plan to enter a physical therapy doctoral degree program after your undergraduate studies. The broad curriculum of this degree satisfies the basic requirements for entry into physical therapy as outlined by the American Physical Therapy Association.

赌博十大靠谱软件 the Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Biology Major

As an Applied Human Biology major, you’ll use an interdisciplinary approach to better understand human beings from biological and behavioral perspectives. You’ll examine the human condition through classes in anatomy and physiology, 化学, 心理学, 生物力学, 和更多的.

Career Opportunities

After graduation, you'll be on your way to serving in a position such as:

  • 物理治疗师
  • Occupational therapist
  • 健康教练
  • 私人教练
  • 医师助理
  • Medical office manager
  • 健康 product salesperson
  • 医学作家

Courses and Requirements

For a Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Biology major, you will be required to take at least 108 credits, including at least 23 upper-division credits. 回顾所有的 bachelor of science in Applied Human Biology courses and requirements,以及 suggested course sequence. BIO 3899 is recommended, but not required for this degree. No more than 6 credits of courses numbered from BIO 4900 through 4999 may be applied to this major.

To apply to the BS in Applied Human Biology major, you must make a formal application through your Degree Status Check page in Banner.



Professor and Co-Chair of Biology
PhD, University of Cambridge

电话: 206-281-2201
办公室: 伊顿 107


Associate Professor and Co-Chair of Biology
PhD, University of Washington

电话: 206-281-2007
办公室: 伊顿 113
First Generation student



卡拉Wall-Scheffler, Professor of Biology

“I teach at SPU because it is a place that values academic freedom and the love of learning. We have extremely talented students and colleagues who all ask wonderful questions. It is a place that enlivens the mind and pushes ideas into new contexts.”

瑞安·阿尔坎塔拉,15岁 nailed his dream job at Brooks Running after graduation. See how he plans to pursue industry research after graduate school.